It's 10:00 PM, Do You Know Where Your Freight Is?

If you are you involved in shipping, there has most likely been a time when you needed to know the exact location of your cargo. There are multiple scenarios where this information is useful (and sometimes necessary) and today we will look at two of them.
Scenario #1: Since AIRO Logistics, Inc. specializes in high-value process cargo, we frequently experience shipping & logistics managers who are under pressure to provide updated ETAs for pickup, delivery and in-transit status updates. These requests can come from engineers & PM’s within their own company, higher management, the client, construction/engineering firms, and rigging/installation crews. The transportation firm should be able to tell you exactly where your freight is at any given time. With today’s technology advances, any transportation company hauling high-value cargo should be equipped with GPS tracking systems. If not, you must question their commitment to load visibility and security. Simply having the drivers’ phone numbers will not always be reliable. Drivers cannot always be reached. They could be outside of their truck or resting as part of their hour of service requirements. Frankly, we prefer to leave drivers alone as they should be focusing on driving.
Scenario #2: Just a couple weeks ago, AIRO was transporting a high value load of food processing equipment that was bound for a large food processing facility. There was an 8:00 AM delivery appointment and the driver actually arrived on site at 7:04 AM, which can be shown through the GPS software. However, shortly after 8:00 AM, we received a phone call from our customer (the shipper in this scenario) saying that the truck was not at the consignee’s location as our dispatch notification had reported. It turns out that the driver was told by the security guard at the gate to pull to the side and wait for further instructions. Fortunately, we were able to send the exact location of the truck to our customer and the end user. The driver was routed to the correct dock for unloading. Without GPS, the shipping manager would be left questioning the drivers’ word that the freight was on-site awaiting delivery.
When choosing a transportation company to manage your final presentation to your customers, you should be sure to ask about their tracking capabilities. If the transportation company is committed to providing top-quality service at high industry standards, they will be able to provide GPS tracking.
AIRO Logistics, Inc. specializes in transportation and logistics of high value, ultra-sensitive processing equipment for the pharma, biopharma, food/beverage, dairy, brewery/winery, cosmetic, nutraceutical, medical and chemical industries.
Office: (570) 784-0477
Mobile: (570) 204-4064